Who We Are?

ASANI VOICE is the official web site of THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF SRI LANKA. We dedicate ourselves to publish the articles and publications against every form of capitalist exploitation and oppression. Our motivation is to provide a truly internationalist perspective on revolutionary politics, and to examine the movements of the South Asia working class within the larger framework of global revolution. We are workers, Farmers and Students who take part in the struggle in the streets and in the workplaces. We are multi-ethnic, multi-gender and multicultural.

We do not think that markets and Technology will solve the present crisis of humanity. The problem is systemic: capitalist accumulation, its endless growth and its phenomenal waste

The accumulation of capital is destroying the Earth System as a place of human habitability. Therefore, we must end capitalism. Today, we have only two choices: “Ruin or Revolution”. 

ASANI VOICE covers the topics relevant to the working class and oppressed people as well as national and international issues.


  • The right of nations to self-determination and to build up anti casteism (Caste system) and anti-racism movement in South Asia.
  • ASANI VOICE hopes to propose militant journalism to interconnect the socialist organisations in the world.
  • We have to build a sustainable, socialist society. We strongly believe human survival and the survival of the planet depend on it.
  • Our task must be independent of all types of parties of capitalist, imperialism and class collaboration.
  • We oppose the borders, sanctions, coups and the entire imperialist machine, as well as the political parties who build and fund them.
  • Our struggle is to build THE UNITED SOCIALIST UNION OF SOUTH ASIA as well as to propose a new LEAGUE FOR THE REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL to unite all the workers in the world.
  • We believe the working class and organise them in their workplaces, can bring this system to a stop and unite oppressed people to build a new society. 
  • We participate in trade unions but we fight against the trade union bureaucracy.
  • We are an active part of the socialist feminist, environmental, movements against racism, LGTBQ and immigrants rights organisations in the world.
  • ASANI VOICE fights against the community bureaucracies often led by NGOs.


Our goal is uncompromising and it is to build a new world. Join with us to defeat capitalism and all forms of bigotry! 

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